The Benefits of Vedic Maths for Competitive Exams and Tests

The Benefits of Vedic Maths for Competitive Exams and Tests

Today everyone wants to excel in competitive exams, and when it comes to Mathematics exams the most important thing that comes into play is the ‘speed’ with which the child can perform the various Maths operations. Needless to say, higher the speed, higher the benefit since very often you will hear children complaining that the exam was too lengthy and they were not able to complete all the questions within stipulated time. Can there be something more disappointing than a child not getting awarded even for those questions he knows how to answer, simply because he did not have enough time?

Learn Vedic Maths to excel in competitive exams

While almost everyone must have heard the buzzword Vedic Maths, it is important to understand the basics of Vedic Maths so that we can comprehend how does it help us in competitive exams. Only then we would be able to really understand the unique benefits of Vedic Maths.

  • In simple words, Vedic Maths can be defined as the world’s most traditional and fastest Mathematics framework based on Indian Vedas
  • It comprises of numerous mathematical techniques to increase the calculation speed
  • It supports wide variety of formulas to cover simple arithmetic formulas as well as all other advances problems like
    • Trigonometry
    • Calculus
    • Geometry
    • Square roots
    • Cube roots
    • Special Multiplication (multiply with 9 series, with 5, 25, 125)

The secret of Vedic Maths

The secret of Vedic Maths

Let us understand the secret behind the mystery that how does Vedic Maths increases the calculation speed. The example below will make it super clear that how does the vedic maths tricks tremendously increases the speed as compared to traditional approach.

Find a Square of any number ending with 5: Vedic Maths vs Traditional Approach

Why don’t you try a simple trick yourself? The picture below demonstrates the Vedic Maths short cut trick to find a square root of any number that ends with 5. You are able to find the answer at least 5 times faster with the Vedic Maths approach. This should help you understand the beauty and secret of Vedic Maths and why everyone is running after it today.

Vedic Maths Tricks

Competitive exams – Key to success

  • We all know that the key to success in any competitive exam (be it at school level Olympiad, or at college level or even a professional exam in corporate world) is the speed with which you are able to do calculations. The students who excel in Vedic Maths possess this distinct advantage since they are able to do all calculations at least 5x or 10x faster than other students who follow the regular approach.
  • As a result, they finish the exam sooner and also get additional time to do the revision and correct any mistakes. This is the second wonderful benefit of learning Vedic Math which will give a distinct advantage in competitive exams.
  • Furthermore there is another unique advantage that a child gets if he knows the art of Vedic Maths. In the exams, while ding the revision he can also cross check the answers that he derived using Vedic Maths with the traditional approach, or vice versa especially in those cases where he is doubtful. If both the approaches give the same answer then it 100% guarantees that the answer is correct and the child becomes rest assured of the accuracy

Additional Benefits of Vedic Maths

Overall, the above benefits make it super clear why Vedic Maths holds the key in today’s competitive world. It’s evident that we cannot afford to rely on just the conventional approach taught in schools that follows a set pattern, but must invest our time and energy in learning something new to get the peer advantage. Moreover, learning Vedic Maths has numerous other advantages also. Some of these are mentioned below:

  • Increase the confidence
  • Removes over dependence on calculators from early age
  • Sharpens the memory since the child learns multiple shortcut tricks and develops the ability to apply the correct trick for different problems
  • Removes fear of Maths from children – since the child get such a strong hold on numbers and calculations that he enjoys doing maths. And note that this is the greatest gift you can give to you children ever.

What is the right age to learn Vedic Maths?

At Mathcruise we strongly recommend the children above the age group of 11 yrs to go for Vedic Maths. Children below 11 yrs should first focus on building the foundation and strong concepts. Once the child start using the advance topics like square root or cube root or squares in school, only then it makes more sense to enroll him in Vedic Maths since he would be easily able to relate and also practically use the shortcut tricks that he would learn in Vedic Maths.


If your child has a strong foundation in school mathematics, then Vedic Maths is the perfect choice. Mathcruise offers classes from internationally certified trainers for both Basic and Advance Vedic Maths. In India there are only 40 certified trainers from, so do not lose this opportunity. Our new batches are starting soon, contact us today to know more about the magical world of Vedic Maths.

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