How to Become an Abacus Teacher?

How to Become an Abacus Teacher?

I am sure everyone would agree that it is inevitable to continuously upskill yourself irrespective of the field you are in, whether business or corporate or teaching or in some profession. In this context and surrounding the world of Mathematics; today let us specifically explore one such topic – ‘The online abacus teacher training’ because if you are reading this page, you are most probably looking for articles or options to help you embark on this interesting journey. But before we proceed further, we must understand what Abacus is, how it helps the children, and what are the prerequisites for becoming an Abacus teacher.

What is Abacus – The Basics

You must have heard the word Abacus in many discussions or books, online videos, news but very few people understand what Abacus really means or why is it used. Abacus can simply be defined as the world’s first and oldest calculator when the digital equipment was not invented. The Abacus tool generally consists of a rectangular wooden (or plastic) frame and contains beads; since beads are the most effective way to teach numbers and counting to young children. Even today you will see that toddlers in every household use the Abacus based toys, since it has proven to be the most effective educational toy.

How does Abacus help a child

Abacus uses beads to teach numbers to the children, and works on the basis of hand-eye-ear coordination which is the time proven technique of brain development. The trainer speaks the number and as the child listens to the number one after another, he does the beads movement according to the Abacus rules taught to him by the trainer (depending on whether that number needs to be added or subtracted from the previous number). The child repeats this process for every number. When he executes this step for the last number, he is immediately ready with the answer.

Prerequisites to become an ‘effective’ Abacus teacher

At Mathcruise we provide tailor made specialized classes for people who want to become Abacus trainers. However please be aware that you must possess the following prerequisites to become an effective trainer:

  • You must be passionate about Mathematics
  • You must have the patience to learn and teach Abacus slowly, since it’s an art that needs to be mastered over time. It cannot be learnt overnight and need a lot of practice, only then you can train the students the right way
  • You must have the zeal to learn new things since Abacus is like learning a new language and even as a trainer you must start from the very basic operations (counting and arithmetic operations).

Online Abacus Teacher Training – How to decide where to get training from?

Online Abacus Teacher Training

There are numerous training centers available today in both offline and online mode. Our advice is that you must do thorough research before enrolling. As pioneers in the field of best Abacus training, we offer the following unique benefits to potential teachers who enroll with us for the teacher-training. If you are confident that you are getting these key benefits from the center of your choice, then you should definitely go ahead and enroll with them. We specialize in online training mode and take pride in providing the following benefits to the trainers, which is our USP (unique selling proposition):

  • Both Theoretical and Practical Training:

    We invite you to our live running batches where you get an opportunity to observe the teaching methodology, the kind of questions students ask and how to connect and engage children. This is in addition to the classroom training to give you practical exposure.

  • Patience holds the key:

    We never rush in training completion but follow an approach where we train you for the first two Abacus levels, then allow you to settle down by asking you to enroll students and start the classes as a trainer. Once you develop the confidence and are expert in the first two levels and are able to effectively handle the student’s doubts, post that we teach you further advanced levels to ensure that you actually feel confident and are able to use your learnings in the most effective way. We follow this approach for every level so that you are super confident for each level as we progress over the training schedule.

  • Shadow and Reverse shadow phase:

    You are allowed and invited to join some of our live classes to observe and learn the teaching methodology during the shadow phase. We are also open for our trainer to join some of the initial classes that you will take for your students, so that you have the support (just in case you need). Until the time you will become the master on your own.

Mathcruise has a Registered Trademark and Copyright for Books under all the relevant Trademark (TM) classes 16, 35 and 41 as per the Indian Law. Over the past decade we have invested a huge amount of Time and Intellect to design these copyrighted books with specially designed curriculum and are happy to share this knowledge further with you on request.


    If you have a passion for Math’s and love engaging and connecting with children, look no further. Join the world of Abacus which is fast growing and become the part of a community which is giving back to society by making children self-driven and confident in Math’s. Abacus is a life skill and is the best gift parents can give to their children. Reach out to us today for more details and enroll in our ‘online abacus teacher training’ program, we guarantee that you will love the journey.

    Happy Abacus Teacher Training

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