Vedic Maths Classes Online

& Remove Fear of Maths
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    Course Overview

    What is Vedic Maths

    Vedic Maths is the fastest and traditional Mathematics Framework based on Indian Vedas. It was developed by Sri Bharathi Krishna Tirthaj and is the most sought after Maths course today since it tremendously improves the Math calculation speed and is fun-filled at the same time. Kids just love it.

    Vedic Maths is among the top trending buzz words in the world of education and Mathematics today. If you want your kids to gain an edge in today’s competitive world, let us understand how does Vedic Maths classes help you achieve this goal.

    Is Vedic Math Tricks Really Faster?

    A Vedic Maths trained student performs the calculations atleast 5 times faster than school maths by using the Vedic Maths shortcut tricks. See this yourself using the most simplest of vedic maths tricks below, and remember that this is just the tip of iceberg

        • Subtraction From 1000, 10000, 100000
        • Vedic Math Trick used – All from line, last from 10
        • Example 1000 – 437
          • Simply subtract each digit in 437 (left to right) from 9 and subtract the last figure from 10
          • Step3: 9 – 4 = 5
          • Step2: 9 – 3 = 6
          • Step1: 10 – 7 = 3
    Video Image

    Course Description

    • Vedic Maths course is a vast collection of mathematical techniques to increase the speed of different types of calculations and hence it is also called Mental Mathematics. The practice of Vedic math boosts the brain’s capacity and calculating speed manifold, since all the calculations are typically done without the use of paper and pen.
    • Vedic Maths is composed of total sixteen sutras, which are known as formulae, and thirteen sub sutras, known as sub formulae. These can be used to solve problems in almost every field of Maths ranging from basic Maths like arithmetic operations, to the complex and intriguing topics like calculus, geometry, algebra, etc.
    • The course is divided into 3 levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced). So you can opt from various options like Vedic Maths for beginners, or advanced Vedic Maths as per your need.
    • The child learns a new concept in almost every class and mostly each trick is independent of tricks learnt in previous classes. So one of the great advantage of Vedic math course over other math courses is that it does not long term commitment. Learn it only until the time you are enjoying and you can take a pause any time.

    Types of Vedic Maths Courses

    Mathcruise Vedic Maths offerings includes online classes for multiple audiences as below. Choose what suites best for you or contact us today to embark on this wonderful journey of fun, adventure and learning.

    Vedic Maths for Beginners:- For anybody who is just starting to learn Vedic Maths.

    Advanced Vedic Maths:- For people who want to explore the advanced topics.

    Vedic Maths for kids or Adults:- depending on your age group. 

    Why Should Parents Choose Vedic Maths?

    Every parent is on the look out for innovative and different ways to make their kids ahead of peers in today’s highly competitive world. Innovation and differentiation hold the key to stand out. Vedic Maths gives you exactly this benefit, let us understand how.

    • Superfast calculations: Vedic Maths enable superfast calculations using easy formulas as compared to conventional method taught in schools. In terms of measurement the speed is easily 5x higher than traditional Seeds, and you will see that yourself using an example below.
    • Peer advantage: Give your child a clear edge over peers. The Vedic Maths trained student will surely save precious time in any exam at all levels (school exams as well as the competitive exams). He will also have a unique ability to cross check the answers using an alternate method of Vedic Math, since the child is familiar with more than one calculation method.
    • Brings us closer to India roots: For Indian students this is a great opportunity to learn and get closer to Indian heritage and take it even forward by spreading it in the world. Don’t we want our kids to contribute and further promote the Indian culture (including education) to the whole world community?

    What Is the Right Age to Learn Vedic Maths?

    If you are looking for Vedic Maths for kids, 11 yrs is the minimum recommended age. The reason is that to be able to effectively use Vedic Maths Tricks, one must have good hold on arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication) and basic Maths concepts like fractions or geometry. Usually these concepts are taught in school maths during 4th or 5th standard and at that time kids are around 11 years of age.

    There is no upper cap on the age limit to learn Vedic Maths (as long as you fulfil the pre-requisite mentioned above to have clarity on basic Maths concepts). So if you are a housewife or a banker or a teacher or a student appearing for higher examination, you can learn Vedic Maths at any age as long as you have the passion and are interested to learn something new.

    Can I Learn Vedic Maths Online at Home?

    Absolutely Yes. At Mathcruise we offer Vedic Maths online classes for various age groups. Our chief trainer Meenu Gupta is internationally certified and has been conducting Vedic Maths online course for many years with amazing and consistent results. We have a wide student base spanning across various countries like US, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, India and UAE and all these students are enrolled in our online programs. It is important to understand that teaching Vedic Maths online needs a lot of practice and patience. The trainer must have an ability to create a positive bond with the child and be able to engage with him to develop a learning mindset. Usually all these attributes are easier to foster in offline mode but hard to find in online mode of learning. However at Mathcruise we always give utmost attention to these aspects. We never rush in completing the course curriculum and go slowly, ensure that the child is actually able to understand the concept and gets ample time to practice the questions as well before we start the new concept.

    If you would like to understand more or have any specific queries like what is the Vedic Maths course fees or the overall duration of the Vedic Maths classes, or details about Vedic Maths teacher training, please refer our FAQ section or contact us anytime. We would be happy to help.

    Vedic Maths Course Benefits

    The Key Benefits You'll Gain
    Save precious time in competitive exams

    Superfast calculation tricks (up to 5x faster as compared to conventional school methods) gives you this unique advantage over peers

    Cross check mistakes

    A child can cross check calculations in exams using this alternate method and identify the mistakes.

    Immediate results

    Unlike other courses like Abacus or any other academic courses, every Vedic Maths session focus on independent formulas or tricks. So even if you discontinue after 5 classes, you still carry the learning of all 5 classes.

    Boosts confidence

    Ability to solve problems of any math topic (ranging from calculus to trigonometry) with superfast speed tremendously gives your child the lifetime gift of self-confidence.

    Remove Fear of Maths

    Effective solution to the problem “How to overcome fear of Maths”. At Mathcruise we teach Vedic Maths Sutras in a fun-filled way that students connect with, and they enjoy learning Vedic Maths tricks.

    Removes over-dependence on calculators

    Just imagine the competitive edge that your child gets over his peers especially in exams where calculators are not allowed. Since he himself becomes the human calculator.

    No age limit

    Suitable for all age groups whether school or college students, or someone appearing in competitive exams, or even a housewife or a shopkeeper who may want to learn it for fun.

    Sharpens the memory

    If you regularly use Vedic Maths in daily life it immensely sharpens the memory since you develop the ability to retain hundreds of tricks in your mind. This becomes a habit and increases productivity in anything you do.


    You can do Mathematics calculations 10x faster using Vedic Maths tricks, and the secret lies in its vast collection of 16 Sutras called Formulae and 13 sub-sutras called Sub Formulae.


    Vedic Maths covers not only basic arithmetic calculations but all advances topics like geometry, algebra, arithmetic, calculus and recurring decimals – just to name a few.


    Every lesson will teach you something new, so you won’t be locked into a long-term commitment. Each session will be unique and autonomous, so you can merely try a few.

    Vedic Maths Course

    • Vertically and Crosswise Multiplication
    • Special Multiplication (multiply with 9 series, with 5, 25, 125 )
    • Division with 5, 25, 125
    • Miscellaneous Simple Methods (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)
    • Base Mathod for Multiplication
    • Squaring of all the numbers
    • Vinculum
    • And many more …
    • Magic Squares
    • Dates and Calendar
    • Math with Fun (farenheit to celcius, and celcius to farenheit)
    • Cubing of Numbers
    • Square Root
    • Division with Special Number (9, 99, 999, 299, 998, 11, 22..)
    • And many more …
    • Vertically and Crosswise Multiplication
    • All Type of Division
    • Digit Sum Method to cross-check answers
    • Cube root of Perfect Cubes
    • Puzzles
    • Linear Equations
    • Coordinate Geometry
    • Divisibility Test
    • And many more …
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    Why Choose Us?

    Our Key Differentiators

    Teaching Method

    Our Fun-based Teaching Methodology ensures that the child always looks forward to the classes and this “PULL” model instead of “PUSH” ensures the best results

    Live Classes

    Live classes ensures two-way communication, such that child is always engaged and clears all doubts instantly4

    Result Oriented

    Focus on minimal but regular homework to ensure effective and consistent results. Previous grade concepts revision before new topics.

    Surprise Test

    Surprise tests conducted so that students don’t become complacent at any time

    Certificates & Rewads

    Certificates provided to students for outstanding accomplishments

    Learn From Anywhere (Fully Online)

    We are delighted to give you options to enjoy learning from anywhere in the world.

    Small Batches

    Small batches or 1:1 classes as per the parent’s preference for most effective results


    Regular Parent-teacher interaction just like school PTM ensures that parents and trainer is always connected


    We recommend the course only if we genuinely believe that the child is going to gain and learn, not to increase the headcount

    Math Cruise Team

    Our Trainers

    Meet our expert trainers for the courses we are offering!

    Book our Vedic Math demo now on: +919818444787, or send us an email on:

    Vedic Maths Course

    Frequently Asked Questions

    For every student the best Vedic Maths course need to be assessed and defined as per the needs and interest. The course content would be basic Maths for a school going child and would cover advanced topics for someone appearing for competitive exams.

    The fees for Vedic Maths is generally around 7500 INR per level (in group classes), and at Mathcruise we optimally define a total of 3 levels. Each level is for roughly 3 months. Charges will be higher for 1:1 classes (to be shared on request)

    Vedic Maths can be learnt in both offline and online mode effectively and at Mathcruise we are promoting the online mode to ensure safety (in situations like COVID) and comfort of home.

    A child should be of atleast 11 yrs or in 6th grade or above, and have good hold on arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication)

    Vedic maths is based on ancient Indian Vedas, while the schools mostly follow the set pattern or way of teaching for all subjects. We do not recommend any child to un-learn the school way of teaching, rather we recommend to learn Vedic Maths as an alternative technique to strengthen the mind, and boost confidence by increasing the speed of doing calculations without using calculator.

    Yes absolutely. The school students greatly benefit from Vedic Maths by developing an ability to do calculations at a very fast pace by using the different tricks, and this helps them to boost confidence and save precious time during the exams where every second counts.

    Refer our section ‘Still Confused’ in the Courses Menu Dropdown for insights on this

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