Vedic Maths

Vedic Maths Tricks for Multiplication

Simple Vedic Maths Tricks for Multiplication by Mathcruise

In Maths, Multiplication is the core arithmetic topic. Believe it or not, most children struggle to do the multiplication correctly and efficiently throughout their life even when they progress to senior classes. Especially for complex multiplication questions (double by double, or double by triple) either they end up taking a lot of time or they

Benefits of Vedic Maths

The Benefits of Vedic Maths for Competitive Exams and Tests

Today everyone wants to excel in competitive exams, and when it comes to Mathematics exams the most important thing that comes into play is the ā€˜speedā€™ with which the child can perform the various Maths operations. Needless to say, higher the speed, higher the benefit since very often you will hear children complaining that the

right age to learn Vedic Maths

What Is the Right Age to Learn Vedic Maths?

Vedic Maths is an alternate science of learning Maths as compared to conventional school methods taught worldwide. Yes – that sounds interesting right? Let’s talk about it a little more and also try to understand ā€œWhat is the right age to learn Vedic Mathsā€, which is one of the most common and initial questions that


Vedic Maths Vs Abacus: Which is Better?

If you are reading this blog then you are definitely looking to explore the difference between Vedic Maths vs Abacus and surely you have come to a right place since at Mathcruise we bring you expert knowledge and insight on this intriguing topic. Based on our last 8 years of enriching experience in teaching Maths

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