
Vedic Maths Tricks for Multiplication

Simple Vedic Maths Tricks for Multiplication by Mathcruise

In Maths, Multiplication is the core arithmetic topic. Believe it or not, most children struggle to do the multiplication correctly and efficiently throughout their life even when they progress to senior classes. Especially for complex multiplication questions (double by double, or double by triple) either they end up taking a lot of time or they

How Does Abacus Maths Classes Online Help Your Child

Today Abacus Math classes have become the synonym of innovation and creativity in the space of education. If you look around, most parents are researching to find the best Abacus classes online for kids at home to help their children achieve excellence in Maths education. In this writeup I will share my insights (as Mathcruise

Abacus course

Discover the Benefits of Learning Abacus

Dear friends, before discussing the benefits of learning Abacus we must do a quick recap of our Abacus understanding. This would help to ensure that we can relate to its wonderful benefits in a much better way. Abacus Training – What is it and why is it used? Most parents already know that Abacus is

Importance of Mathematics in Our Daily Life
Importance of Mathematics

Focus on the Importance of Mathematics in Our Daily Life

We all know that Math is referred to as a Life Skill. What this means is that not only academically, but knowledge of Maths helps us in our daily life in numerous chores. Let us today understand this a little bit more to appreciate the importance of Maths, by looking at some interesting facts and

abacus model for kids

What Are the Advantages of Abacus for Kids?

Abacus for kids is one of the oldest Mathematics techniques that provides a unique edge to your child in today’s competitive world. An Abacus-trained child will be way ahead of his peers (we will elaborate this in detail in this article) but at the same time you must remember that it’s not an accomplishment that


How to Become an Abacus Teacher?

I am sure everyone would agree that it is inevitable to continuously upskill yourself irrespective of the field you are in, whether business or corporate job or teaching or in any other profession. In this context especially surrounding the world of Mathematics; today let us specifically explore one such topic – ‘The online Abacus teacher

Benefits of Vedic Maths

The Benefits of Vedic Maths for Competitive Exams and Tests

Today everyone wants to excel in competitive exams, and when it comes to Mathematics exams the most important thing that comes into play is the ‘speed’ with which the child can perform the various Maths operations. Needless to say, higher the speed, higher the benefit since very often you will hear children complaining that the

Abacus Classes

Why Should Kids Learn to Use an Abacus for Better Brain Development?

In the world of Mathematics, Abacus is one of the proven teaching methodologies that leads to better brain development and thus higher focus and concentration abilities. Most parents are searching for effective online abacus classes for kids so they are not left behind on this front. Abacus is one of the most trending buzzwords that

Math Phobia

How To Overcome Maths Phobia

What is Math Phobia Math Phobia is when someone experiences psychological fear of Mathematics. Just hearing a particular word can generate a sensation of fear or tension. The effect can be so detrimental (or strong) that the individual experiencing Math Phobia does not even attempt to comprehend the Math principles or work through the given

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