What Are the Advantages of Abacus for Kids?

What Are the Advantages of Abacus for Kids?

Abacus for kids is one of the oldest Mathematics techniques that provides a unique edge to your child in today’s competitive world. An Abacus-trained child will be way ahead of his peers (we will elaborate this in detail in this article) but at the same time you must remember that it’s not an accomplishment that comes easily. You need to spend time and effort; and be disciplined and patient to reap the benefits of Abacus. Let’s start with the basics first before we go deep into the advantages of Abacus for kids.

What is Abacus

What is Abacus

Have you ever wondered how people did mathematical calculations in ancient times when digital calculators were not invented? The more you think, the more intriguing this gets.

Now let’s answer the question ‘What is Abacus’. In simple words, Abacus is the oldest calculator that mankind has been using since ages. It is not digital, but just a wooden frame consisting of rows and columns of beads. Beads have proven to be the most efficient method to teach counting to the kids at an early age.

Even today in modern times, you must have observed that in almost every household in every country, parents give the Abacus based educational toys to toddlers which immensely help them in learning counting, in the fun way.

How does Abacus work

How does Abacus work

The Abacus teaching methodology is based on hand-eye-ear coordination where all these senses collectively coordinate to give the desired output. The child listens to the number as spoken by the trainer, uses his finger movement to move the beads on the Abacus tool and keeps on repeating this process for every number.

As a result of this practice all the senses become super active and responsive, which leads to higher and higher speed and accuracy over time

What is Visualization Abacus Technique?

In advanced stages, a child becomes so perfect that he does not even need the physical tool. He just imagines and forms the picture of the tool in his mind, and updates that image to reflect the movement of beads to represent the actual result after each number. As soon as the trainer speaks the last number, the child is able to provide the final answer immediately. Isn’t it amazing?

Advantages of Abacus

  • Brain Development – We already saw above how Abacus works. The overall process leads to tremendous brain development as proven in scientific studies, since children are trained to use both hands while working on the Abacus tool. This ensures that both the right brain and left brain are activated.
  • Increased focus and concentration – Increased brain power automatically leads to higher focus and concentration. A child grasps everything much faster, be it reading or learning, or the core analytical thinking abilities.
  • Mental Math Skill development – In the initial stages a child can solve the basic arithmetic calculations (like single digit addition and subtraction) and in the advanced stages he is able to perform even the complex calculations like decimal based division and multiplication – all without using any calculator.
  • Super-fast arithmetic calculations – You will be amazed with the speed at which Abacus-trained kids can perform these calculations, they literally beat the calculator.
  • Develops a strong foundation for basic Mathematics – It is proven that an Abacus trained child has a much more solid Maths foundation and hence he is able to understand the new concepts much more easily.
  • Removes dependency on digital calculators – A lot of exams do not allow use of calculators these days. In such situation if a child knows Abacus, he will have a clear edge over his peers
  • Removes fear of Math from the mind of children – This is one of the most important benefits that we often undermine. As a parent this is the best gift you can give to your child, so that he remains confident and never lags behind in Maths which is actually a life skill. For more information, read our blog: How To Overcome Maths Phobia
  • Learning in a Fun way via visual representation – In the end, if we are able to provide education to our children in a fun way, can we ask for anything more? Abacus is truly a fun based education system where children do not even realize that it’s part of academics.

Abacus practice

  • It is important to understand that practice is a must to effectively learn Abacus for better brain development. We strongly recommend daily practice of 5-10 min for best result
  • Instead, if a child does not practice for the whole week but adds up the practice time and practices for 1 hour on day-7, it is not going to help.
  • The human brain needs constant daily learning to master this art, so go with the professional recommendation
  • Overall, we must be patient if we have to reap the benefits of Abacus. Usually, it needs a minimum of 6 months to see some tangible results where a child is able perform basic calculations via visualization. To complete the advanced levels, usually 24-27 months duration is needed, so plan accordingly and join the course only if you are committed.

Abacus model for kids

There are different types of Abacus models available

  • For toddlers or young children, it is usually in the form of a toy or a game. See picture below

Abacus model for kids

  • For students who want to learn Abacus technology, usually there are two models. It can either be a wooden frame or a plastic frame. You can go with any based on your preference
  • And lastly there are different sizes. For example, it comes with a 13 rod or 17 rod or 21 rod. Again, for younger children, we can go with 13 rod-based tools, but as you progress to higher levels with bigger numbers, you will need to upgrade to more rods.
    Abacus different sizes


If you are reading the conclusion, it is evident that you are mesmerized by the fantastic benefits of Abacus and how it works. So, if you are willing to commit and put in the effort in a disciplined manner, contact our Mathcruise team today to speak to our chief trainer Meenu Gupta, who holds an international certification and is passionate for Maths. Her goal is to remove fear of Maths from the minds of children and teach them in a fun-filled way. Watch our demo videos here (you have to watch it to believe it), and reach out to us today to know more details about Abacus classes or to find when our next batch is getting started.

Start your online abacus classes journey today by joining the growing Mathcruise family!

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